Sunday, September 28, 2008
The Owl
For all of you who have a desire to see the demise of the poor little owl from the previous post go here.
Thursday, September 25, 2008
i {heart} owls
It is no secret that I {love} owls. They make me smile. I'm drawn to them. My husband knows that I love owls. Today he yells at me to come and watch a cartoon short about an owl. So, of course, I think that it's going to be a cute little cartoon that he knew I would enjoy because of my aforementioned love for owls. Right? Well, it all started out cute and innocent and I was laughing and enjoying this cute little owl cartoon until the owl gets SHOT and then his eyeball gets sQuiShEd!!! I obviously couldn't bear to take pictures of those frames. All the while, my beloved AND my precious daughter are laughing hysterically while the cute little owl meets its doom. Sick. They are both really sick. To do that to me. Really. I should've taken a picture of them laughing. Unbelievable.

Photo-A-Day {No.26}
I {heart} my Abbey's creative soul. She inspires me in so many ways. Her way of looking at things is so unique. Her creativity pushes me to want to be more creative and to think more outside the box. Even when her creative nature manifests itself in drawing on herself with a sharpie. :) I love you, sweet pea.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Photo-A-Day {No.25}
End of summer blooms. I'm trying to enjoy the beautiful colors that God has given me in the summer flowers, but I'm so {ready} for fall weather to take over. It is, after all, fall NOW! I {need} to wear hoodies and long sleeves again!! Soon. I need cooler weather to clear my brain. I function so much better for some reason when it's cooler. Heat just drains me. I always feel much more productive in the fall and winter. I know my blogs have been kinda non-creative looking for the last several days. Hopefully, I will have another little book to post by early next week. It's my {43} book.
Today I will leave you with this quote. "Ordinary riches can be stolen, real riches cannot. In your soul are infinitely precious things that cannot be taken from you." ~ Oscar Wilde
Monday, September 22, 2008
Photo-A-Day {No.23}
Photo-A-Day {No.22}
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Photo-A-Day {No.21}
Happy Happy Birthday, Myles!
Today we celebrated {my nephew} Myles' 16th birthday. Can't believe he's 16!!!! Got to take a drive with him in his Grand Cherokee around the neighborhood. He did a great job. Not nervous at all. Very laid back. Loved getting to ride with him. So glad that I got to celebrate his birthday with him. HOotie HoO!! Happy Birthday, Myles! Enjoy being 16!! And, be careful!!!
Friday, September 19, 2008
Photo-A-Day {No.20}
This is my favorite thing that I pass every day. A big open field and a big red barn. It always makes me smile. I can just imagine myself turning that barn into a really cool house! I'll try to get a better picture of the barn for a later post. Today it just looked so beautiful with the fog all over the field. I {heart} it.
Photo-A-Day {No.18}
Photo-A-Day {No.17}
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Photo-A-Day {No.15}
Photo-A-Day {No.13}
A {Birthday} Shout Out to Samantha

I want to send out another HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Samantha. Her birthday was yesterday. Samantha and I have been friends for years and years. :) And, although I didn't get to celebrate her birthday with her yesterday, I was thinking about her and hoping that she was having a wonderful time at the {American Idol} concert!! {Funny, both of us going to concerts ON our birthdays this year, huh, Sam?} Samantha and I have so many memories of trips taken and fun times with our families. I know that you, too, are always there for me if I need you and I love your thoughtful and giving nature. I love how it is so important to you to live a life for Christ and how you are consciously making efforts to lead your children that way. I love how important it is to you to be a wonderful wife to Steve. I love how generous you are not only to me and my family, but to so many people that come through your life. You are always so willing to open your home to anyone who needs a place to stay and you are the hostess with the mostest!! You truly have a warm and loving heart and I am so glad that you are a part of my life, girlie!! Hope you had a wonderful birthday!! Love you!
{Project} Birthday Book
For Trish's 40th birthday party I put together a {40 Reasons Why We Love You} book so that family and friends could write a message to her. Here are a few pictures of what it looked like. A very easy project and one that can be tailored to any occasion. A big thank you to E for the idea!! It was a lot of fun to create and I got to get out my stamps and play. I'm always up for some creative play!
Birthday {SURPRISE}
Today is my sweet friend Trish's birthday. HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY to you, girlie! Last night we had a very cool surprise bday party that her hubby {and my big bro} put together. Way to go Timmy!!! Let's just say that Trish had absolutely NO idea that she was being thrown such an awesome partay!! :)
Trish, I just want you to know that I cannot imagine you not being a part of our family or as my friend. You are ALWAYS there for me and I know that I can count on you for anything. You are such a thoughtful and loving friend. You always check on me when things aren't going great or I've been sick. Always offering to do anything needed. You are willing to get up before the crack of dawn to run with me. I love our {alone} time together laughing, talking and sometimes just being silent. We've grown to know each other very well and I'm so glad that we are such close friends. Thank you for always having a listening ear and an open heart. Thank you for your patient and gentle spirit. You mean the world to me, girlie and I love you!!
Here are just a few of the pics from the party {so E can see}. E, we missed you so much this weekend! It would've been the icing on the cake had you been here!! Thank you so much for all your help with the decorating ideas. I love you and miss you!! I'll email the rest of the pictures to you, girlie.
A definite BIG surprise for the birthday girl. She couldn't believe her eyes!!! Yay, Timmy!!
The {BEAUTIFUL} patent leather Dooney & Burke bag. Or, as it is commonly referred to now as {THE bag}. It even smells beautiful!!! Ahhhhhhhhh.
The sweet family. Love you guys so much. So glad that I got to celebrate you, Trish and your 40th! Here's to many more years to come!
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Houston, the fog has lifted.....
Today was just one of those days. This week has just kinda been one of those weeks. Nothing really {wrong}. Just out of sorts. Not particularly happy. Frustrated really. With myself more than anything. Hate feeling this way. I needed to be {refreshed}. Kinda like the refresh button on the computer. So, tonight I was {refreshed} thanks to my awesome friends, Amy and Nellie. We spent time laughing and talking and laughing some more. We spent time making notes to leave anonymously everywhere we go to brighten someone else's day. We're putting into action a thing called Hope Revolution. You can read a little bit more about it here. Tonight we started out creating notes of hope for others, but in the end we also gave each other hope for the journey ahead of us. And, maybe just a little, the fog is lifting......
Photo-A-Day {No.12}
I love when it rains and rains. And, I love how the pine trees beside my house look when it rains and how their needles {hold onto} the rain. It looks so beautiful. God gave me some really beautiful things to see today like raindrops on pine needles and {3} hummingbirds chasing each other around my patio. He knew just what I needed today. Something to make me smile. God is so good.
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