Sunday, September 14, 2008

Photo-A-Day {No.15}

This is what my desk looks like after creating {two} projects back to back. Quite a mess!!! Will have to put some things away so that I will have more than just that little square of space to create in!


nellie rae said...

i love your messes. makes me want to make one too!

amy said...

it's not a's the final part of the creative process!

summer said...

my mess consists of a rubbermaid bucket,that when I am done, or in the process of a project everything gets dumped into so we can eat dinner at the table!!! anyone want to come help ME get organized...anyone...anyone???

GiGi said...

i would love to come and help you get organized!! that would be so much fun. i love to organize and re-organize. always trying to find a more efficient way of storing stuff. wish you lived here. :[