Monday, September 22, 2008

Photo-A-Day {No.23}

These are a vital part of reaching one of my goals on my {43} list. Strong and firm. That's what I want people. Strong and firm. I'm tired of waving goodbye with the flab of my arms!! I want firm muscles.


nellie rae said...

i need to do this too! how's it going? when do you do this? at night? in the a.m.? im trying to find motivation.

GiGi said...

not great. this week my goal is to stay on track!!! i really am tired of the hanging flab off of my arms!!! and, the muffin top over my jeans!!! i'm trying to do strength training at least 3 times a week. i have some simple exercises {they only take about 15-20 minutes at most and they're about taking it slow and isolating muscles and muscle groups} that i printed off the net if you want a copy. and, then about twice a week i'm trying to do push-ups and planks. i like to do the exercises in the morning after trish and i walk/run. i really want to get wii fit so that i can do yoga and other {fun} exercises. but, that will have to wait until budget will allow. :[ my motivation has got to be that i want to be STRONG. and, the {reflection} in the mirror every day. arghhhhhhhh. we need to encourage each other on this one!!! :)