Monday, July 13, 2009


Let's face it. Change is never easy. It can be painful and scary. It can be full of uncertainty and doubts. But, out of change can come incredible growth and strength that you never knew that you had. Change can lead you to depend on God that much more for your focus and direction. Changes are coming in my life and I'm nervous, excited, sad, unsure, heartbroken and a host of other emotions. But, I'm also feeling my dependence on God strengthening and my spirit ready to grow again. Change isn't easy, but I know that God is with me. I trust the path that He has laid out for me.

"But I trust in you, O Lord; I say, 'You are my God.' My times are in your hands......" Psalm 31:14, 15

This scripture meant so much to me a couple of years ago when I was diagnosed with a rare condition. And, now I'm returning to it once again as I face yet another change in my life. All I need to remember is that God is my God and my life is in His hands. I just need to trust Him. Nothing else really matters.


amy said...

amen, sister. love you.

Lisa Howe said...

Change IS very difficult, but how you handle it (with the grace of a lady)shows your true character. I know it hurts, but God is honing you to a fine edge. Big hug to you.