Monday, September 8, 2008

daily gratitude.

So. I promised to post the project I just finished and here it is. My daily gratitude journal. I had so much fun making this. Pulled out a bunch of stamps, stickers and tags for this and just had creative fun. No pressure. Just creative freedom.
My goal {thanks to Nellie} is to daily write down something from my day that I am grateful for. So far, I have kept up with it pretty easily. Kinda hard not to when you have something creative to write in.

I used lots of different papers, tags, packaging, and garment tags to make the pages of this journal. I wanted to use up scrap pieces of paper and pieces of everyday life to create something useful. And, here it is.

I used 2 star playing cards for the front and back covers. They, of course, were the number 3's from the deck.

You may be asking why I made a gratitude journal. Mainly because my focus hasn't been where it needs to be. I haven't had my eyes on God every day as I should and I needed a reminder of what He does for me on a daily basis. So, this little stack of cards is my way of regaining that focus. Me, physically writing down at least one thing every single day that I am grateful for. {Making sure that God is the center of my life.}


nellie rae said...

love it!!!!! i am so happy that you did this..and of course, amazing - as always.

summer said...

your journal is so cute! y'all are so talented...i wish i lived closer so i could create with you!

amy said...

when are you gonna make me one? :)

it's about time you blogged again!!!!

GiGi said...

summer, i so wish that you lived closer too! would love to hang out with you and create. when are you coming back to visit?? we definitely have to all get together and play. :)

and, ames, you could so make one of these. just tags, paper, stamps and stickers. you would have so much fun making it.