Tuesday, April 14, 2009

{True Beauty}

this girl.

she is {true beauty} to me.

inside. and outside.

a beautiful heart. beautiful mind.

creative spirit. passionate soul.

my girl. can't believe that she's mine.

by having courage to be herself,
she put something wonderful in the world that was not there before.


Lisa Howe said...

She is wonderful! You are very blessed! :o)

amy said...

Wow! 2 days of blogging in a row! Wait a minute.....I have to pick my jaw off the floor.....

Abs rocks! You are definitely blessed!

Abbey Elizabeth said...

aww, i love you too mom, but really? you had to choose some of my worst pics ever to put on here. ugg, but i guess i still have to love you soo much because you dedicated a post to me and the fact that i've been posting more than you lately and that one of your rarities was about me. love you.