Monday, February 9, 2009

i {heart} bible study nite

I really really do. I LoVe LOve loVE bible study nite at my house. I love having all of these amazing women from different backgrounds and in different stages of their life in my house laughing, talking, sharing, studying and growing closer to each other and to God. I love planning dinner for them so that for one night out of the month they don't have to worry about dinner. I love studying and thinking about what we're going to talk about that night. Most of all, I love these women and what they each bring to my life. I am so blessed to know each one of them and to be able to share my journey with them.

Tonight was even more fun because we got to get {cRafTy}. One of my favorite things to do!! We talked about choosing a word for the year to focus on and then made magnets out of chipboard as a visual daily reminder. Love the words that were chosen and why. So cool. Tonight was a very good night indeed.


amy said...

i love bible study nights, too! i am so grateful to you for opening your heart and home to us!

you're the best, chica!

emily anderson said...

what a fun craft to do...great idea!

i saw you had me connected on your blog, so thought i'd stop by!
you've got a cute blog here :)

see ya!

Anonymous said...

Gigi, I had a great time Monday, thank you so much for including me. I want you to know I treasure my "word of the year". I so appreciate your friendship! Lisa H. :o)