Wednesday, February 11, 2009

{sneak peek}

I know. I know. I KNOW. I haven't posted anything creative in a while.'s what I've been working on. Just a few pages of it though. You'll have to wait to see the rest of it later. I'm working on a {43} mini album. What is a {43} album you may ask???? Well, back in August when I turned that bEauTifUL age I made a list of 43 things that I want to accomplish during the year before I turn 44. I wanted something to document the list and to remind me of all the things that I want to do. This is {the list}. After the year is over, I plan to do another small album showing what I accomplished. Anywho, here's a peek. Hope you enjoy. Peace out.


amy said...

destructo dog rocks! great photo and layout!

Anonymous said...

Love it Gigi! You rock! So, so creative. I can't believe I know you! Lisa H.

amy said...

ok. now that you took the layout of destructo dog off, my first comment sounds stupid!!!

i can't wait to see your book up close and in person when you get it all done! you're so creative it's sickening, you know!

emily anderson said...

oh, i love this mini.
super cute...thanks for visiting my blog!!