Today I {cEleBRatE} you, Nellie. The first time we met I knew we were going to be friends. We have shared so much in such a short space of time and yet it seems like I've known you all my life. You have such a tender and deep heart and I LoVe that about you. You have pushed me in so many ways to grow as a friend and as a child of God. I am blessed beyond measure that God {brought} you into my life as my sister and my friend. You are genuine, encouraging, funny, inspiring and beautiful in so many ways. And, as if that wasn't enough, you are incredibly {aRtiStIc}. Your handwriting kicks butt!! Thank you so much for sharing with me your love, laughter, late night chats, scrapping sessions, Michael's shopping sprees, hot cocoa and ice cream runs, lung punches, and daily emails. But, most of all, thank you for just allowing me to be a part of your journey. HaPpy hApPY BiRthDaY, NeLliE beLLiE! {I heart you.}
okay, totally weeping right now. chills up and down my arms. thank you so much for that. this has truly been a great birthday and its only 8:30 a.m. on my actual birthday! :) last night was a bLaSt! i had so much fun and the food was the best birthday food ever!!
i just got done emailing you and Ames the photo booth pics. so much fun. love you too Geeg!
came back to look at my cupcake. mmmm. looks yummy and scrumptious. i made a wish on my candle. love the red. so fun!
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