Monday, May 19, 2008

Ahhhhhhhhh, Spring Cleaning

Had a wonderful weekend! My family and I cleaned house and I totally reorganized my office. Nothing like a little reorganization to get you feeling creative again. Have a bunch of pictures to share. First of my reorganized and CLEAN office and of artwork by my daughter that I framed and hung up. And, since I had a newly cleaned office I was excited to finally work on an art project for my bathroom. Made some art to hang on a very boring wall.

Yes, I'm a bit of a daisy lover. They're such friendly flowers and they make me smile. :)

Find a way to be creative this week. Go through your supplies. Purge and reorganize and see what ideas might come from that. Make some wall art. Get inspiration from art created by your kids. But, most of all ~ ENJOY!


amy said...

Love your art work! You didn't tell me you did that, too! What a WOMAN!

School is over! Woooo hoooo!!!

amy said...

Your room really did look a lot bigger! Maybe you should come organize mine! Even your space looks like artwork! You have great taste.

Anonymous said...

thanks! i love the stuff you made for the bathroom! and the cool framey art college. it makes me smile.

amy said...

update! :)

amy said...

Update chica!!!!

nellie rae said...

i want you to make me some cool stuff like this! i sat down to do this same thing and i couldnt make it as cute as yours so i put everythying away. :(

nellie rae said...
