Saturday, November 6, 2010

ta dah!!!!

it's official!!! we have opened our etsy shop!!! go to and search our name: fourteen23

we will be adding product the next few days. we will also be adding new products on a weekly basis. so check back often to see what we've been up to!! we will be setting up a new blog for fourteen23 to give new product updates and sneak peeks. check back here in the next week or so and i will have a link for the new blog on the sidebar.

we also offer "alchemy" in our shop which is a place to request custom items. if you see something in the shop, but have a different "vision" use this feature and i'll try to meet your customization.

upcoming items (by me): christmas mixed media art, christmas embroidery, brooches, and totes

nellie rae and i are so excited about this journey and thank everyone for their support and encouragement!!! you guys rock!!! now tell all your friends about our shop!!! no, really. tell all your friends.

hugs, gigi :)


amy said...

Like I already told Nellie, I am so happy and proud for you two for taking your dream and making it a reality! I hope this shop is very successful and fulfilling for both of you!

I love the stuff! Very cool, but of course I didn't expect anything but cool stuff from the two of you geniuses!!!

GiGi said...

ames!!! thank you!!! you are so kind. we couldn't have done this without the encouragement of friends like you. love you so much!!! miss you!!