Sunday, August 29, 2010

friday nite recap

friday nite with nellie bellie.
good food from the Q.
frozen yogurt from orange leaf.
lots and lots of laughing. oh my goodness. lots.

lots of creating.

a little mixed media project i wanted to try doing on a canvas. here's some closer pics.

silly mustache pics. love them.

AND, drum roll please..................
we've decided to open an etsy shop together!!!!
hootie hoo!!!
haven't decided on a name just yet.
goal of opening in november or sooner.
more details to come.
so excited. really really excited.


Lisa Howe said...

Sounds fun. I keep meaning to try Orange Leaf, but just never seem to get around to it! You guys will have a great Esty shop. Can't wait to see your offerings there.

nellie rae said...

EEEEEK! such a fun night! i hung my canvas! it is my favorite!!! and...i am super excited about our shop! love love.

amy said...

So glad y'all had fun being creative together, but I'm super jealous! I hate this feeling. I just miss being a part of your lives so much! I can't wait to see what masterpieces your etsy shop will hold!