that's right, folks. tomorrow i'm leaving on a jet plane headed for atlanta for some much needed girl time with my bestie e. cannot wait. miss her bad.
so, i will leave you with some inspiration from one of my fave paper artists. she uses alot of reclaimed materials and that makes me very happy indeed. heart her stuff alot alot alot. i want to be her when i grow up........
I am incredibly blessed to have this life of mine. To experience the joys of family & friends. To spend time creating art. To walk the path that God has given me. Truly blessed.
oh my gosh. im so stealing some of those ideas...those are awesome! i want to have them alllllllllll!!!
imma miss you you BIG geeg. hope you have the best time ever with ms. e.
p.s. thank you for your time this rock.
Geeg, those were very cute! Some people are so creative, it blows my mind! Have a fabu time with E! Post some pix of your fun!
Lisa Howe
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