Wednesday, September 10, 2008


Back in May I entered the Scrapbooker of the Year {SOY} contest. Obviously, I didn't win or you would've heard about it! Today I thought I'd share a couple of the layouts that were part of my entry. Maybe you can find a little bit of inspiration from them today. Now go get busy and create!!


amy said...

You know you will always be my SOY!

GiGi said...

Thanks, girlie! For some reason I needed to hear that today.

nellie rae said...

i covet your creativity. i know, its terrible!!, but i want to have your talent!!! you are amazing and SOY hasnt caught up to your talents!!!

GiGi said...

you sinner, you. :) but, thank you nellie bellie! even though {hello} you are amazingly talented yourself!! love hearing from you. been missing you.

amy said...

geez, if i had an ounce from creativity from both of you i'd be ecstatic!

GiGi said...

oh please, ames. you are just amazing!! {hello to you too} you can tell a story like nobody's business. i can't tell you how many times you've had me rolling with laughter. and, you can be just as creative at scrapbooking if you would just scrapbook!!!!